My Scarlequain ranges from insignificant rants about Music History (I have written several of those such as the following: Don Juan, Will gone, Shoot me now, To torture bow, Music History paper.), to the deeper things of life that I muse about from time to time (such as: Classic, ethereal, Philosophical cereal, Gracefully demean, What does all this mean? Words: Life.).
Today, however, is a day full of Beauty. It is a day in which I realize the potential for depression or woe or frustration, but I open my eyes to the incredibly simplistic Beauty that surrounds us on a day to day basis. Small crescendos of this Beauty can be found in many of my compositions (the line "Coffee Stains, on Scarleqain" comes to mind), as I recognize these Simple Gifts as things that are profoundly wonderful, even if we routinely take them for granted.
Perhaps one of the hardest aspects of writing Scarlequain is attempting to encapsulate every facet of the fifth line in so few words. I hope you enjoy my attempt at describing the simple things I am happy and thankful for today. May it remind you that we live not only for the fortes of our life: we live daily because of the Simple Gifts we are given.
A storm of leaves,
Riding gentle breeze,
A smile, a touch,
Simple things such:
Happiness is.

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